Hi, I'm Moya Jackie McGeough, also known as "Amiga Cammy" online. I love developing software for classic Amigas using the Amiga-E programming language. My coding projects are done on my Amiga A1200, which is equipped with a 56 MHz ACA1230 Motorola 68030 and 64MB of RAM.
My latest project is a text adventure using Amiga-E called Morning Panic which is fully playable and still in development. I'm also the organiser of AmiGameJam ( https://itch.io/jam/amigamejam ) which is a yearly game development competition for both classic and Next-Gen Amigas. If you want to find out more information about past AmiGameJam events, check out this website - https://amigamejam.amigaland.com/index.html